Classic Massage
60 mins $89
90 mins $119
Classic massage is a very light pressure massage. Classic massage increases circulation of blood and lymph. Focusing on superficial muscle layers to improve mental and physical health. Classic massage is exceptionally beneficial for increasing the level of oxygen in the blood, decreasing muscle toxins, improving circulation and flexibility while easing tension.
Deep Tissue Massage
60 min $ 89
90 min $ 119
Deep tissue (DT) massage is a specific type of massage targeting the deep layers of muscle and fascia in the body. DT creates physiological changes in the tissue that then creates systemic changes by allowing layers to move independently and slide or glide upon each other. We can improve big-picture posture, lengthen the spine and improve the quality of the soft tissue.
Cupping Massage
60 mins $89
90 mins $119
Cupping massage is infusing deep tissue massage with the ancient technique of cupping creating suction (negative pressure) used to soften tight muscles and tone attachments, loosen adhesions, open connective tissue, bring hydration and nutrients by increasing blood flow to tissues. Cupping massage also encourages drainage of excess fluids and toxins by opening lymphatic pathways for elimination. “Cup kisses” or discolorations are common, can last a few days, as its stagnant blood and metabolic waste being pulled from the tissues to the surface.
ADDED BONUS…This treatment is successful in decreasing the appearance of cellulite when used in a series of weekly treatments.
30 min Therapeutic Massage
30 mins $50
30 minute Therapeutic massage is perfect for a specific area of focus.
Body Treatments coming soon…